After a three-year pause due to COVID, the Rotary Club of Wellesley is proud to bring back its "Taste of Wellesley" annual fundraiser to support our community. The event will again feature a wide variety of signature dishes from Wellesley restaurants, cafes, caterers, local breweries and wineries, along with live music and auction items that are locally sourced. We will be hosting the event for 300 guests at The Gardens at Elm Bank on Thursday, May 4, 2023 from 6:30 until 9 pm. The event will provide a wonderful evening of food, beverages, live entertainment and opportunities to gather in community. Online tickets at taste-of-wellesley.square.site/.
Tickets also for Sale at:
Roche Bros., 184 Linden Street, Wellesley or
The Windsor Press Inc., 356 Washington St. Wellesley Hills.
Purpose of the Taste of Wellesley:
All of us are experiencing significantly higher costs for food, a necessity of life. For the 400+ low-income families and seniors living in our community, food insecurity has become a much bigger issue. The students at Mass Bay Community College and our homeless veterans are also grappling with food insecurity. The proceeds raised from Taste of Wellesley 2023 will provide meals for our low-income residents and direct support to students of Mass Bay and organizations that support homeless veterans. Rotary volunteers will be distributing the meals prepared by our local restaurants and serving meals for the veterans.
It is through the generosity of our Wellesley restaurants and local wineries, breweries, chocolatiers, and caterers that we are able to bring this event to Wellesley. Please thank our local restaurants for their participation in this worthwhile cause.
Where to buy tickets:
Roche Bros., 184 Linden Street, Wellesley or
The Windsor Press Inc., 356 Washington St. Wellesley Hills.
Online at https://taste-of-wellesley.square.site/
From Rotary members listed below:
John Adams johnfadamsjr51@gmail.com
Dan LaRochelle dklarochelle@gmail.com
Amelia Schwartzman ameliarchilds@gmail.com
Susan Bevilacqua sbevilacqua@pinnaclehouses.com
Joe Roberts info@communityinvestors.net
Mishawn Davis mdaviseyene@massbay.edu
Frank Rowbotham rowbotham7@verizon.net
Nora Pou npou@verizon.net
Salvatore DeFazio tory@windsorpressonline.com
Paul Simard psimard@simardllc.com
Julie Ginn jginn@massbay.edu
Vincent Spoto vspoto@pinnaclehouses.com
Linda Tighe lindatighe@gmail.com
Virginia Greiman ggreiman@bu.edu
Patrick Hayden hayden98@me.com
Frederick Wright f.wright@neu.edu
Thornton Kell kell9@verizon.net
Andrea Kaiser ccstpg@verizon.net
Bill Westerman whwesterman@yahoo.com